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joi, 21 februarie 2008

Where are you now

Ce voce calda are Eddi Reader, imi pare rau ca doar recent am descoperit-o. Ani la rand am cautat cele mai rapide si cele mai agresive melodii, nerealizand ca viteza nu este totul. Sigur, nu cred ca am ascultat muzica "proasta", dar am ignorat aproape complet multe genuri muzicale. Am fost si eu intoxicat, nu neaparat de cantecele prezentate la televizor sau radio ci mai degraba cu preferintele celor din jurul meu. In general, discutiile despre muzica pot deveni foarte aprinse si au o anumita tenta moralizatoare, infierand anumite genuri muzicale. Astfel de discutii nu ma mai atrag, si fiindca imi place sa cred ca am devenit mai intelept, incerc sa gasesc cele mai frumoase melodii si sa le arat lumii.

Ce spune artista scotiana?

"If I played the fiddle, I'd play the fiddle to break your heart. But I can't - I sing words, and I like to think I can get you further than the fiddle: the fiddle can get you on a level, can be amazing, but the human voice... I certainly feel very powerful when I do it. My mother loved to sing. Loved to sing. Loved. Loved song. She doesn't even know it, but how much she taught me, and I mean, how do you teach that - how to feel something."

"It's the same as Fairground Attraction to me, the same as busking: if you're playing a good tune and you feel really good about it, you can't help but attract people to it. If I was on a street corner singing and I felt really tired, I couldn't be arsed, people would walk past not looking at me. Then a good night's sleep and a song I really fell in love with, I'm on the same corner and I'll have 200 people in front of me. It's a wee magic trick."

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

cum poti garanta ca acelasi lucru poate atrage doi oameni?

mace spunea...

Garanta? Nu poti garanta nimic! Lasa-te pe mana muzicii si poate se va intampla ceva frumos.